Workshops & Seminars
Dr. Dodd and Cindi bring a unique perspective to today’s challenges from combined life experiences. The use of music, drama and speaking, in combination with their training and education, prove to be a powerful tool that is being utilized by God. Traditionally accepted, professional therapeutic methods are emphasized, along with a Biblically based understanding of personal growth and healing.
Available Ministries: Groups, Workshops & Seminars
"Men of Honor" Friday Morning Group
Dr. Dodd leads a men's only group that is designed to provide support, encouragement, education and accountability. It's been taking place for over nine years. For more information, please contact Dr. Dodd directly at
Cindi provides opportunities for women to be a part of a group designed to provide support, encouragement, education and accountability. For more information, please contact Cindi Dodd at
Women's Group
A Prescription for Healthy "I" Sight
The way we see and feel about ourselves can be determined by many factors. If we’ve experienced verbal, physical or sexual abuse, trauma, neglect, numerous failed endeavors or broken relationships or even handicaps, we may suffer from lack of confidence, shame or various other low self-esteem issues. These damaging influences can certainly cloud our vision of who God created us to be, who He is, and negatively impact every facet of life. Utilizing a variety of creative methods, we share our prescription for a rewarding life and insights on how to heal and have a healthy view of God, including ones’ worth, identity and purpose.
We Can Work It Out: Healthy Communication and Confrontation Styles
In a world full of fax machines, emails, and voicemail, we are losing the ability to communicate “person to person.” Using music, drama and movie clips, etc. we demonstrate healthy communication styles, effective confrontation skills, and problem solving tactics that are becoming a “lost art” in our society today. So many times we feel misunderstood or let negative feelings in a relational situation build up until it deteriorates the relationship. Many people avoid confrontation like the plague, but God’s Word directs us to confront in love in order that healing and growth can happen. Whether it’s relationships with your spouse, family members, co-workers, or friends, you will leave this seminar better equipped with practical tools to enjoy healthier and more rewarding relationships.
Fireproof Your Life
Addressing the stress and anxiety of these turbulent times, we use materials from the movie FIREPROOF to facilitate discussions on practical issues such as temptation, relationship conflict, communication breakdown, finances, etc. Gain skills for standing strong through the fiery trials of relationships and life in general. Learn how to fireproof every aspect of your life and turn these challenges into milestones of growth and victory.
Maybe someone you love is experiencing hopelessness, lack of motivation, overwhelming feelings of inadequacy and stress, fear of loss, rejection, etc. Valuable insight, biblical examples, and strategic steps for getting to the root of these issues and breaking free from their negative impact are provided.
Freedom from Depression, Anxiety and Fear
The Emotionally Abusive Relationship
If you or someone you know has experienced an emotionally abusive relationship with a spouse, child, parent, friend, employer, or even within the church, this seminar will provide valuable insights, resources and support. Emotional and verbal abuse are often overlooked because the wounds are not physically visible, but the pain is just as severe-if not more-and can leave damaging scars. Learn how to know what the symptoms are and how to address them; build healthy, godly boundaries to protect yourself and give structure; have the rewarding life relationships God desires for you.
Other seminars
- The Marriage Check-Up
- The Unspoken Crisis – Dealing with Sexual Addiction
- Not My Kids! When Your Children Make Bad Choices
- The Relationship Between Spirituality and Stress in the Ministry
- The Power of Parenting
We Also Offer
- Leadership Lay Ministry
- Pastoral Staff Encouragement, Support and Guidance
- Goal Setting
- Church Conflict Resolution